
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Week #47 awash with washi

Just doing a little bit of catching up as Christmas approaches, and wanted to show off these cute little cards I've been making.

As a true crafty hoarder I have been stockpiling washi tape while telling myself "someday I'll know what to do with this!" Well, Christmas comes around and I did notice that I happened to have lots of lovely red, greens, golds and silvers and so, who could resist using them for a few cards and pressies?

Aren't they sweet? These little gems are so sweet and simple, which I love because making them is easy and doesn't over complicate the awesome simplicity of the washi tape itself!

These little gems are on sale in the Making Things Club pop up shop I've been organising, and I'm going to donate all the money from their sales to my 52 weeks : 52 crafts running total!

What have you been doing with your washi? please comment and share your ideas!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry on... working, crafting, selling, etc...

Well, if you have noticed its all gone a bit quiet here its because I'm in "keep my head down and plow through" mode until Christmas! December has dropped a bunch of new things on my plate including opening a pop-up shop, starting a new full-time job, as well as my other commitments and its just been a tad busy, that's all!

Never fear, I have re-listed a few items in a 'last chance before Christmas' to help bring the 52 weeks : 52 crafts challenge total higher, and I have some fantastic plans to complete my six (six?) (SIX!) final projects of the year to bring my total to 52 items.

What will they be? We'll you'll just have to wait a bit to see. I will be crafting through the holidays and posting as I craft.

In the meantime you can check out some of the items which have yet to find homes and check them against your Christmas list to see if they suit anyone you have yet to buy for~!

You have until Sunday to bid for them, and I will guarantee posting by Christmas if it is bought from someone in the U.K. and do my absolute best to get it anywhere else in the world by January 1st!

More soon!!!!