
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Craft Club tutorial - stop and stitch

I was recently invited by Craft Club UK to create a step-by-step mini quilt tutorial as their spring tutorial and newsletter. For those who don't know Craft Club is a national campaign that champions craft groups in schools, galleries, libraries and any where else you can bring people together to share craft skills. An ethos that is very near and dear to my heart!

I'm all about making and sharing, and so I jumped at the chance to make a modern mini quilt and photography and film the process for my pals at Craft Club.

Click the image for a link to the tutorial in full 
For years I resisted the idea of hand-sewing, hand-quilting and slow craft - my time-saving mind thought "why waste my time?" - but the truth is that you can not only do completely different things when you stitch by hand, but you also get a completely different experience....  I've learned to savour my slow crafting time, and encourage you to try it out and do the same.

I hope you'll enjoy the tutorial and have fun making your mini-quilts. I've been doing a lot more slow-making and hand stitching lately, will be sharing more of my projects on the blog over the course of 2017.